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Guideline for writing journal

All interested parties are requested to submit their scientific or technological papers in the Microsoft Word file version to editor@museum.af, considering the method of this text in the text. The Journal of Museum of Science and Technology is published each season in Dari language with an English summary. Submitted articles must not have been published in other journals or submitted simultaneously to other journals, and the authors will be responsible for the accuracy of the content mentioned in the articles. Dear researchers, professors, students and enthusiasts are requested to submit their scientific research papers in Dari and, if possible, with English abstracts to this journal.
Article review

Articles are evaluated by the Museum Review and Evaluation Team, and the faster the authors respond to the referees’ requested corrections, the shorter the status of the articles. It is necessary to highlight all the corrections made in the article in yellow (Highlight) so that the judges can easily judge the corrected article.
Article structure
The page size should be A4.The text of the article must be written in a Microsoft Word file in at least seven full pages and a maximum of twenty pages.
Each article is divided into different sections, which are:
The title of the article should be a maximum of 15 words and should specify all the features of the research done. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title of the article.
Author Name
The author’s name should appear in a line after the article title.
Summary Dari
The abstract should clearly state the subject and results of the research in a paragraph of 200 to 250 words. In other words, the importance of the topic, the reason for the research, and a summary of how it was conducted, as well as the results obtained in the abstract. . In writing the summary, details, tables, figures, and mathematical relations should be avoided.
Dari keywords
The number of keywords provided at the end of the summary should be five words or phrases.
English summary
When submitting a Dari article to the Museum of Science and Technology, it is necessary to prepare a summary of an English page which is a translation of the Dari summary.
In this section, the whole subject should be stated and then a summary of the history of the subject and the studies done along with their characteristics should be explained (in a way that clarifies the importance of doing the work for the reader).
This section includes analyzing the data and findings and comparing it with other national or global research. The most important part of a scientific research article will be the presentation of the obtained results. Therefore, it must be correctly shown that the developed model has provided the correct results in terms of information and quality.
In this section, the important points should be briefly reviewed, so that the reader is properly aware of the main results of the work.
Sources and resources
References can include books, scientific journal articles, patents, conference papers, dissertations, technical reports, workshops, reputable websites, and other citation able sources. The list of references should be prepared in the order of use in the text of the article and should be given in English at the end of the article.
The schemas, diagrams and shapes used should be named and included in the article. The forms in the submitted articles must be of appropriate quality. After the article acceptance stage, it is necessary to send the forms separately in JPEG or TIFF format.


Summer Journal - 2020

Fall Journal - 2020

Winter Journal - 2020

Spring Journal - 2021