
 Astronomy is one of the sections of House of Science and Technology; in this department we are focusing on of the study of objects and phenomena beyond Earth, in space.
Astronomy which is a branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. Since the 20th century there have been two main types of astronomy, observational and theoretical astronomy. Observational astronomy uses telescopes and cameras to observe or look at stars, galaxies and other astronomical objects and in HSTO our main focuses on Observational astronomy.


Rocket and space simulation in HSTO

In August 2019, HSTO organized the largest science fair of its kind among 119 teams from 23 schools in Kabul! HSTO gave each grade (grades 7 – 12) a challenge on part with their expected knowledge. The response was tremendous! While 2020 was marred by Corona virus, HSTO will host not just science fairs, but also robotics competitions as well.

Science Fair

In August 2019, HSTO organized the largest science fair of its kind among 119 teams from 23 schools in Kabul! HSTO gave each grade (grades 7 – 12) a challenge on part with their expected knowledge. The response was tremendous! While 2020 was marred by Corona virus, HSTO will host not just science fairs, but also robotics competitions as well.

Teacher Training

In order to build capacity, enthusiasm and skills in the teaching force, HSTO has conducted very compact and extremely impactful trainings in which teachers learn the essentials of teaching skills, class management, curriculum development, practical science, child psychology, critical thinking and future skill expectations for 300 teachers, 100 Schools.

Association for Afghan Women in Science and Technology (AAWiST)

In order to build capacity, enthusiasm and skills in the teaching force, HSTO has conducted very compact and extremely impactful trainings in which teachers learn the essentials of teaching skills, class management, curriculum development, practical science, child psychology, critical thinking and future skill expectations for 300 teachers, 100 Schools.


For images of Astronomy department, visit the gallery page of our website.